Sunday, August 17, 2008

last day of SCP


weird thing is i cant sleep...

but i guess i'll definitely doze off l8r so i might as well blog now...

2day is the last session (10th) of my SCP program...(its sum kinda motivational session)
we had really great fun n i hope to see them again

i'm also looking forward to climb Mt. Kinabalu...& my parents juz keeps on nagging bout taking energy bar, chocolate, raisins...
"u better take ah or not l8r u pengsan no1 can find u n then u get lost."
yea yea wtv...

well guess i'm not goin on the com for a week, means i'm not blogging either :P



Joke for the day

There's an English man, Irish man and a Scotsman.
They're being chased by a policeman.

They see this old warehouse so they run in.

Inside there are 3 empty sacks on the floor.
They each jump in a sack.

In comes the copper and see's these three bundles on the floor.
Goes up to the first one and kicks it.

The English man shout out, "Woof Woof",
and the copper thinking it's just an old dog leaves it and kicks the second sack.

The Scotsman yells out, "Me-ow me-ow",
he leaves this one as well thinking its just an old cat.

He walks over to the last sack and kicks it,
and the Irish man yells out.. "Potatoes Potatoes..!"

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